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Common Thyroid Abnormalities

Common Thyroid Abnormalities

The thyroid gland is a widespread butterfly-like organ located in the throat area at the trachea section. Its prime roles affect numerous body functions such as digestion, heart function, skin nourishment, fertility, and growth. Thyroid abnormalities are caused by...
Inpatient Care: An Overview

Inpatient Care: An Overview

The terms “inpatient” and “outpatient” have very different meanings when referring to the care you receive medically. Today, we will be talking about inpatient care, as referred to in a Cigna article. Generally speaking, inpatient care talks about receiving medical...
Treatments for Gallstones

Treatments for Gallstones

Gallstones are not always highly problematic. Usually, if they are not causing you to experience any symptoms, you are fine to leave them alone. However, sometimes there can be an issue that will lead you to have a gallbladder attack or other problems alike, and this...